Sunday, 30 June 2013

Chicken, Mushroom & Pancetta Filo Pie

I often have some filo pastry in the freezer to use up - on this occasion as I’d made a spinach, feta and sun-dried tomato tart cum pie the previous week (quite a lot to use up in fact as for that I had only used two sheets - it will appear in a mid-year “round-up” like post soon). On this occasion, for some reason, another pie seemed the most obvious use for it. I wanted to keep it pretty...
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Thursday, 27 June 2013

Mauritian Lamb Curry

Regular readers of this blog will probably know that I love a good curry, and I quite like going a little off the beaten track to try out new and interesting ones, say Cambodia, Laos or Nepal. I’d love to say that I picked this recipe up on my last trip to Mauritius, but sadly I’ve never been (although it is firmly on the lifetime agenda, or bucket list as everyone now seems to say), instead...
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Saturday, 15 June 2013

Fennel & Feta Risotto

This is a Jamie Oliver recipe that I tweaked a little with regard the cheese: the original called for 50g of crumbly ricotta but as I had 35g of feta lurking in the fridge I used that instead.  I’d actually planned to make fresh vegetable stock: at the beginning of the week we’d bought a massive bunch of asparagus which we’d been having with pretty much every meal. I prepare asparagus in...
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Wednesday, 12 June 2013

Cinnamon Buns

As is probably pretty apparent by my posts on this blog I don’t really go in for cooking sweet things much. I will of course, if at a restaurant, get a dessert. Nine times out of ten anyway. And there has been the odd occasion when I have made one: usually for a dinner party or Christmas or the like. Expresso granita, crème brûlée, Eton mess and champagne jellies with syllabub cream all spring...
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Tuesday, 4 June 2013

Lamb in Almond Sauce with Garam Masala

I saw this recipe in Olive magazine but ended up changing it a bit: partly by design but partly in error in that I halved some of the ingredients (namely those for the marinade) but kept the same quantities - with the exception of the double cream - for the rest of the ingredients. I realised my mistake when adding the cream so did halve the quantity stated for that. In any case, it turned out...
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