Sunday, 24 February 2013

Trout with Pea & Watercress Purée

My friend Naomi bought me a year’s sub to Olive magazine for Christmas - yay! It’s such a treat to have it delivered every month, have a good read and decide what to earmark for cooking later. March’s issue was very timely for me having a feature on eating out in Marrakech (me and the BF are going in a few weeks) but it also had a lot of recipes I can’t wait to try. The first was trout (the recipe...
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Tuesday, 19 February 2013

The Battle of The Burgers

Luckily this post isn't featuring the burger I made a few weeks ago (and then again last week for a wider audience) in the style of the famous LA restaurant Comme Ça's burgers (with secret ingredient of bacon fat), as frankly my burger would have won hands down! We do have pretty much a head to head of MEATliqour, MEATmarket and Honest Burgers. Honestly, they were all delicious. There is little...
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Saturday, 16 February 2013

Eating Out Over The Last Year

So here's Part II, a round-up of a few of the places eaten in, or indeed taken away from in the last 12 months or so (plus a few things that perhaps should have gone in Part I but weren't (necessarily) cooked by me) . With a couple of these I had fully intended to write up proper reviews but just never really got around to it. There will possibly also be a Part III which in essence will be a sort...
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