Friday, 22 April 2011

Farmhouse stir-fried pork with green peppers (nong jia chao rou)

So I mentioned I believe that I'm a big fan of Fuschia Dunlop and have recently been cooking from her Revolutionary Chinese Cookbook. My next foray, after Dong'an Chicken has been Nong Jia Chao Rou, or Farmhouse stir-fried pork with green peppers.  Strangely, as one of the things that I like about both Sichuan and Hunan cookery is the regions' exuberant use of chillis, those Hunan...
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Cocktails at Detroit, Dinner at Kopapa

Our lovely friend Claire was over from Hong Kong for a couple of days last week so a few of us went out for drinks then dinner in honour of her, at the time, forthcoming birthday (this week, but when she had returned to HK). We had booked dinner at Kopapa so I had fully intended to post a review but in all honesty a) a lot of cocktails had been knocked back in Detroit pre-dinner (Singapore...
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Friday, 15 April 2011

Fish Matters!!

And by the way people, further to my subtle campaigning in terms of sustainable fishing in the miso salmon post, please do follow this link, and more importantly read and digest!!
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Thursday, 14 April 2011

Dong'an Chicken & Pounded Aubergines

Some time ago, leading up to a trip to Shanghai, someone recommended that I read Fuschia Dunlop’s memoir of her time living & cooking in Sichuan Province: Shark’s Fin and Sichuan Pepper.  Fuschia was the first foreigner to study at the Sichuan Culinary Institute in Chengdu so not only is the book a fascinating insight into Chinese life and cooking culture but it also includes many regional...
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Spicy Salmon & Noodle Broth

I've had a pretty heavy cold this week - possibly brought on by the disappearance of the lovely, yet unseasonable, warm weather - so I've got a wee bit behind with posting. As I'm off to Rome soon (yay!) and will therefore get even more behind I suspect that I'll have to double-post over the next few days. So, first up today is "Salmon part II" as I'd had some to use up after the miso salmon...
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Wednesday, 6 April 2011

Miso Salmon

I was zumba-ing last night with the girls, following which it is customary to go for pasta and wine. In other words there was no time to blog the other seafood meal from the weekend - miso-marinated salmon. High on my list of "would like to try"s has long been Nobu's Black Cod with Miso. Sadly it doesn't look like I will ever frequent Nobu so long as they continue to serve up endangered Bluefin...
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Monday, 4 April 2011

Seared squid & chorizo with chickpea purée

I really fancied trying out a squid recipe from Economy Gastronomy over the weekend so it seemed a good time to check out Green Lanes Fisheries, a popular fishmongers between Palmers Green and Wood Green. As it turned out it wasn't really a well planned visit at all: I already had some salmon at home marinating for dinner (more on that to come) and I knew I was going to be out on Sunday....
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Sunday, 3 April 2011

Baked Chicken Maryland - kind of

I love cook books and have quite a lot... unfortunately I'm currently at the stage where I've run out of space for new ones: saying that I will be buying Fuschia Dunlop's Revolutionary Chinese Cookbook as soon as possible - I currently have it on loan from the library and am really looking forward to trying a few recipes next week: she's a genius. Anyway, the point is that I've been looking...
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