Thursday, 31 March 2011

Spicy Tomato Baked Eggs

I’m trying to rein in my carnivorous tendencies at the moment and eat less red meat - obviously that wasn’t the case at the weekend where I was almost caveman-like in my red meat choices (raw or rare being the order of the day on Saturday). So with that in mind yesterday afternoon I dreamt up a vaguely Moroccan spicy tomato concoction into which to throw some eggs and bake. I pulled all...
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Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Le Champignon Sauvage

For a  good few years now I have wanted to go to Le Champignon Sauvage having often read that the food is superb and by many accounts worthy of 3 Michelin stars rather than the 2 it does possess.  David Everitt-Matthias is a chef renowned for both eschewing the “celebrity chef “ route - you will rarely if ever I believe catch him on the TV - and for never missing a service in the...
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